


Lanier High School Longhorn Bands

Register For Lanier High School Longhorn Bands

Please complete the following registration fields for the 2024-25 Band Season. Be sure to include the following *required information*:

Email = Your Personal Email (school email will NOT work)

Note = Your Instrument

Organization = Are you participating in Concert Band Only or Marching and Concert Band?

EIN = Grade Level in Fall 2024

Once registered, don't forget to download the app and enable notifications on your phone! This allows us all to communicate in real time so you don't miss any band information!

Download app for iPhone or Android

Physicals Needed Before Band Camp

Lanier High School requires all student athletes (this includes marching band) to sign consent forms and upload physicals through To sign consents and upload the physicals, visit Click "Parents Click Here" > Forms > Georgia > Gwinnett County Schools. Then review the instructions and click Proceed to Online Forms. On the site, you can find the find the form for your doctor to fill out. Your student can have their physicalcompleted at their doctor's office or at a clinic like Kroger's Little Clinic. Once completed, you will upload the form to Rank One and the school will approve.

Student Information

Parent #1

Parent #2 (Optional)